Wow...thanks for checking out my new site! Let me do a quick introduction and then get to what I hope to accomplish here.
To set the table, my name is Sean Sullivan and I live in Chicago, Illinois. I currently work in Digital Marketing as an Analyst and am a graduate student at DePaul University where I study Data Science. Previous to this, I spent about 3 years working in wildlife research across the Unite States. Chances are, I'll sprinkle in caveats about the random critters that I've encountered.
I'm nearing the end of my MS program and have now begun to feel confident enough in my coding, analytics, and data story telling abilities to where I want to showcase some of my past projects, current ideas, and anything in-between. My goal is to have fun, share, and collaborate! Once again, thanks for checking this out and I can't wait to see where this goes.
- Sean